Gold News
Lawyer, economist, investment banker and financial author James G.Rickards is editor of Strategic Intelligence, the flagship newsletter from Agora Financial now published both in the United States and for UK investors. A frequent guest on financial news channels worldwide, he has written New York Times best sellers  Currency Wars (2011),  The Death of Money (2014) and The Road to Ruin (2016) from Penguin Random House.
See the full archive of Jim Rickards' articles on GoldNews here.


24 Jul '24 The China Myth Debunked James Rickards
16 Jul '24 A Whisker Away from Civil War James Rickards
01 Jul '24 Sterling's Post-Imperial Warning for the Dollar James Rickards
07 Jun '24 Barbarous Gold Is Back James Rickards
21 May '24 Trump's Dollar Plan: Currency Peace, Not War James Rickards
18 May '24 Call That a Gold Forecast? Try THIS James Rickards
09 May '24 Can You Spell Stagflation? James Rickards
20 Mar '24 SVB Crisis: Not Finished Yet? James Rickards
01 Feb '24 Trump Says 'No' to Fed CBDC James Rickards
17 Jan '24 Boeing's Double Disaster James Rickards
27 Dec '23 Gold 'Cheap' at $2050 James Rickards
22 Dec '23 The Fed's Critical Transition James Rickards
13 Dec '23 Critical Tax Case of Moore vs. US James Rickards
07 Dec '23 Gold vs. DVO1 at $2000 James Rickards
28 Nov '23 Make Argentina Great Again James Rickards
19 Nov '23 Freedonia Can't Escape the Trilemma, But the USA? James Rickards
13 Nov '23 Dollar Beats Brics, Debt, Deficits James Rickards
05 Nov '23 Another Bank Down. Could CBDC Fix It? James Rickards
10 Sep '23 No.2 China? Try 77th James Rickards
01 Sep '23 BRICS Currency? Oh, Ah, Well... James Rickards
24 Aug '23 The LFPR Recession James Rickards
16 Aug '23 Japan's New Currency War Battle Lines James Rickards
21 Jul '23 Election 2024: Dumb and Dumber James Rickards
13 Jun '23 BRICS Gold-Backed Currency Coming in August James Rickards
28 Feb '22 Playing Poker with Russia and China James Rickards
21 Feb '22 Hamilton's $30 Trillion Invention James Rickards
16 Nov '21 CBDCs: Start of the Great Reset James Rickards
08 Jun '21 Bitcoin? Mostly Fraud, 100% Unwise James Rickards
04 Nov '20 US Debt Crisis, Golden Solution James Rickards
21 Jan '20 New Gold Standard? Chaos James Rickards

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